These CANS Wear No Cassocks: DIGITAL ECONOMY

These CANS Wear No Cassocks

By Babafemi Ojudu

In Maitama , at the heart of Abuja is located  a youth initiative that his attracting attention from lovers of creativity and development.

Four young men came together and sharing a vision for creativity and innovation set up an organization called The Cans and built a center or as they call it a hub of creativity.

It is a place where fellow youths with little resources but disruptive ideas could find a space and helping hand to give vent to their ideas and talents.

Bringing together  shopping containers designed as offices they are attracting attention of many of their generation as well as foreign embassies, and those with monies to invest in new ideas.

There in Maitama Amusement Park , on IBB Boulevard  is the sizable space where an idea person goes into , plug his computer and work under a very conducive atmosphere that only a corporate body could provide.

Reliable and fast internet , constant power supply, office facilities, conference and meeting rooms are made available at little subscription. Subscribers also get to boot experts and professionals in various fields to offer advises and mentoring.

Start ups are coming up and flourishing at this center and some are beginning to find bigger spaces for their operations in the center. Beyond this The Cans are linking innovators and startups with financiers . This initiative seem to be working so well. Visiting you find young men and women going in and out clutching their laptops. You see some hurdled together discussing passionately and sharpening ideas. Water,  coffee and tea is on offer for the asking . The environment itself is eco friendly and conducive for creative efforts. Tony Chijuka, coming out of the center said to me : “This guys are creating new lives out of shipping containers “. “We meet
